Saving cost is a continual process to find a balance between reducing expenditures without compromising quality. Owned equipment is sometimes overlooked as an expense, but every moment a piece of equipment is not being utilized, it is a sacrificed resource to the company. Equipment sitting unused on a site should be recognized and repurposed. But how do you go about finding those instances to do something about it?
All Equipment Used on the Job Should be on the Timecard
The first step would be to make sure your timecards include every piece of equipment used during the day on the job. If you are not counting it, it does not exist, and we need to know where everything is. If you find equipment sitting on a jobsite, you should create a process to communicate with your scheduler and let them know it is available for use. Once you have that process in place in the field, and every piece of equipment being used is accounted for, you can begin to report which of your equipment is sitting idle on jobsites.
As a bonus, including every piece on the timecard can help ensure billing for all T&M equipment, and serve as a communication tool for supers and PMs to know what equipment is parked on the job.
Use this Report to Find Equipment not on Timecards
This Resource Library Exceptions Report will allow you to search your active jobs for any employees or equipment without working hours in a specified date range. If you are using your non-use codes to designate “broken down” or “stand by” on the time card, this report will ignore those 0 hours.
By recognizing you have equipment that has not been used for a week or a day, you can start to allocate those pieces to jobs where they can be useful. Balance-loading your fleet will also extend the life of your equipment, as it can prevent one from getting overused while others sit idle.
In an ideal scenario, every piece of equipment should be located within 24 hours so that you know that your equipment is getting maximum use, and this should mitigate the time equipment is left stolen or lost. If the equipment was used, but there is no entry on a timecard, it’s like it never happened. When reviewing the timecards, this could be a good time to check which equipment didn’t get any hours today, and why.
The Equipment Adjustment Tool is a new utility for HeavyJob to review submitted equipment hours on timecards, and correct any discrepancies. For equipment with HCSS or OEM linked Telematics, the Equipment Exception report can help make sure that all equipment hours are being charged appropriately, and that nothing goes accidentally unreported.
If you need any help with these reports, or finding others like it that could help you get more information from your timecards, we encourage you to reach out to our support. We are available to you every day, all the time. We also have searchable help articles created from support cases from users like you.