You can save yourself a click, and always show HeavyBid’s “Customized” tabs first. If you regularly use the “Customized” tab in any of the Biditem, Activity, or Resource Query screens, the Pricing Screen, or even if you use the spreadsheet view in Heavybid, you may want to make this tab your default view, and the first tab you see when you open those windows.

Go to Tools > Preferences > User > Display and under Misc Options, check the box for “Use Customize tab as the default tab.” You will need to close HeavyBid and open it back up before the preference will take effect. If you are in the User Preference, you will not affect any other users.
There are over 16 different user settings you can modify here (not that you should make changes to others necessarily).
Two other user preferences that may help you navigate HeavyBid quicker: 1) the option to customize your user account’s “Favorites” menu on the Ribbon Bar, and 2) the ability to automatically open user-selected windows when HeavyBid is first launched.

If you need any help with understanding any of the preferences, and what they will do, feel free to contact our support. We are available to you every day, all the time.