Saving cost is a continual process to find a balance between reducing expenditures without compromising quality. Owned equipment is sometimes overlooked as an expense, but every moment a piece of equipment is not being utilized, it is a sacrificed resource to the company. Equipment sitting unused on a site should be recognized and repurposed. But […]
Payroll’s Tool of Choice: Time Card Management Tool
Nearly every company struggles with getting timecards approved in a timely manner. The complication of sorting through hundreds of time cards, understanding which were signed and not signed, which foremen are missing time for a day in the week, and which cards have been marked ‘approved’ by payroll are some of the problems that can […]
Is Your Fleet Reliable and Cost-Effective?
Age, cost, and reliability are considerations that every equipment manager has to balance to find that “sweet spot” that determines whether to retire or continue to maintain a piece of equipment. Very few shops can afford to keep a fleet of newly minted equipment that requires a constant flow of new purchases to keep repair […]
Communication is More Important Than Ever This Year
This will be a unique year of discovery as we reflect on how we responded to the constantly changing events of 2020. With every step of caution that we layered as a protective measure, we created more and more distance from each other. Handshakes have been replaced by elbow bumps, and smiles of affirmation and […]
Start The New Year With HCSS Field Guides
Download these shareable guides to begin 2021 on the right foot. These simple guides can be used to train new employees or reinforce a daily process for using the HCSS field system.
Paving the Way for Change With Silver Star Construction
“Even though it can make life easier in the long run, people will dislike change because it can be uncomfortable at the beginning. No matter where you are going, change is a constant. In my opinion, if we are not looking to refine our methods, and making improvements, then we are falling behind.” Craig Parker, […]